

Local, National, and Online Resources

Find resources to help prevent, fight, and report child abuse, & support the children in your life.

Self-advocacy is the ability to communicate what your needs are and stand up for yourself when your needs are not being met. Being able to do this is important in almost every aspect of life including relationships, school, work, and more. Self-advocacy can be asking for help with a problem, making decisions on what you do or don’t want, and following through with them, or respectfully voicing an opinion on rules or policies that affect you. Here are a couple practice resources that can help you improve your self-advocacy skills, from

In Pennsylvania, every victim of a crime has rights. These rights help ensure you receive information and support surrounding your experience. They also help ensure you are able to fully participate in the criminal justice system. Every victim has the same rights under the Bill of Rights, regardless of gender, age, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or religious affiliation.

Some of these rights include the right to be told about services available to you, about court events, and final disposition of a case; the right to receive notice of the arrest of the offender, information about restitution and compensation, and accompaniment to all criminal proceedings; and the right to provide input into sentencing and post-sentencing decisions.

At the ACCAC, our Child & Family Advocates work to ensure your rights are respected and help you navigate them.

Learn more detail about the Basic Bill of Rights for Victims.

  • Go Ask Alice!
    Online resource for youth to find information related to multiple health topics (this is not medical advice and does not replace consultation with health care providers).

Do you have questions about mental health, your brain, self-injury, suicidal ideation, or stress? Mental health is just as important as physical health, and information should be easily accessible for everyone.

  • Mental Health is Health: normalizing conversations, connect people to resources, and inspire action on mental health
  • Mental Health Literacy is a great resource on topics related to teen mental health.
  • Reach Out: one-to-one peer support, moderated online communities, tips, stories, & resources where youth can safely & openly express themselves
  • Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration offers a 24/7 hotline that provides treatment referrals to local supports. 1-800-622-4357 or

Are you LGBTQIA+? Do you know someone who is? Do you want to learn more about what being LGBTQIA+ means? Check out these resources!

  • Campus Pride
    Student leaders & campus groups making college campuses safer for LGBTQ+ students
  • GLBTNearMe
    Database of LGBT resources across the web, including local and national organizations
  • LGBT National Help Center
    Hotlines, online chat, email services, & database of resources for LGBTQ+ youth
    National Hotline: 888-843-4564
    National Youth TalkLine: 800-246-7743
    National Coming Out Support Hotline: 888-688-5428
    The nation’s largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, & advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them
  • The Trevor Project Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678678
    Provides 24/7 support and information to LGBTQ youth.
  • Trans Lifeline
    Peer support phone service, run by trans people for trans and questioning peers or 877-565-8860
  • Q Chat Space
    a community for LGBTQ+ teens (13-19), with chats guided by staff from LGBTQ+ centers around the country.

Everyone, including you, deserves to be a part of healthy, loving relationships. These relationships may be between family members, friends, and/or romantic partners. All relationships fall on a spectrum of healthy, unhealthy, and abusive behaviors. It is important to recognize where your relationships fall on this spectrum in order to address any unhealthy behaviors. Below are some resources on healthy relationships, especially in regards to romantic partners.

Learn about a healthy relationship spectrum.

Healthy relationships extend to digital content, not just in-person interactions. This could include content on electronic devices, social media accounts, messaging apps, and more. Sharing information and participating in conversations on these platforms is always a personal choice—you have the power to set your personal boundaries. Here are resources to learn more about staying safe and creating boundaries online:

Caregiver with children
  • Family Digital Wellness
    The PA Family Support Alliance presents an inclusive, supportive, and preventative approach aimed to strengthen families in raising healthy children in a digital era.
  • Internet Safety Agreement
    An agreement between you and your child on how they will safely use the internet.
    Agreement Document (Word document)
    Acuerdo de seguridad en internet (Microsoft Word documento)
  • Love Our Children
    A national non-profit dedicated to fighting all forms of child abuse and neglect.
  • National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
    Educational resources to help teach children about online safety and preventing abductions, as well as a resource for parents regarding preventing sexual abuse of child athletes.
  • National Child Traumatic Stress Network
    Supporting Children and Teens During the Holiday Season
    PDF Article
  • Parent Information
    Information about the different stages of parenting, from pregnancy to the teenage years.
  • SafeKids Coalition
    Promoting prevention of childhood injuries in PA through education, collaboration, and advocacy.
  • The Mama Bear Effect
    A resource on how to talk about child sexual abuse and prevention with children.
  • Zero to Three
    Ensuring all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life.

If your child or teen is experiencing mental health concerns, you can learn more about diagnoses, resources, and how to help them below:

  • Center Parent & Teen Communication
    Division of Adolescent Medicine within Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; working to help parents raise tees prepared to thrive
    How Parents Can Help Teen Mental Health
  • Mental Health Literacy
    Committed to creating the highest quality mental health literacy information, to make it easy for everyone to access and understand
    Parents Page
  • National Institute of Mental Health
    Lead federal agency for research on mental health issues
    Fact Sheets on Mental Health Disorders
  • Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
    A multidisciplinary organization committed to improving the physical and psychosocial health and well-being of all adolescents
    SAHM Resources for Parents
  • Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
    Agency within US Dept. of Health & Human Services leading public health efforts to advance behavioral health
    How to talk about mental health

Is there a child identifying as LGBTQIA+ in your life (your own child, nephew, niece, student, neighbor, etc.)? Are you not sure what that means or how to support them? The resources below can help!

Illustration of stick figures working together
  • Bikers Against Child AbusePennsylvania
    A group of bikers dedicated to empowering children to not feel afraid in the world and provide support to child victims of abuse.
  • KidPower International
    Resources provide effective, upbeat, and empowering child protection, positive communication, and personal safety skills.
  • National Sexual Violence Resource Center—Friends & Family
    Resources on how to support friends or family members who are survivors of sexual violence, as well as safety and prevention.
  • Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
    Ensuring every child in PA can thrive and reach their full potential through public policy movements.
  • Prevent Child Abuse America
    Dedicated to prevent the abuse and neglect of our nation’s children. All children should be able to grow up happy, healthy, and prepared to succeed in supportive families and communities.
  • The Mama Bear Effect
    An organization created to make resources and information surrounding child sexual abuse down-to-earth, accessible, and inspiring.
  • U.S. Center for SafeSport
    The nation’s nonprofit organization for resolving abuse and misconduct reports, as well as developing and enforcing policies, protocols, and trainings preventing abuse and misconduct in the Olympic and Paralympic Movement.
  • American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
    A nonprofit organization focused on meeting the needs of professionals engaged in all aspects of services for maltreated children and their families.
  • Center for Living Forward
    Comprehensive platform dedicated to addressing mental health needs of first responders including wellness resources, training, and Critical Incident Stress Management.
  • Fight Crime: Invest in Kids
    Takes a hard look at the strategies proven to reduce crime and put kids on the path to leading productive lives.
  • National Child Traumatic Stress Network
    Raising the standard of care and improving access to services for traumatized children, their families, and communities throughout the United States.
  • National Children’s Alliance
    Developed CAC/MDIT model & provides training and guidance to CACs
  • Children’s Advocacy Centers of Pennsylvania
    Statewide nonprofit membership association of individual CACs across the state
  • National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
    Virtual access to trainings, resources, and best practices related to missing and exploited children.
  • National Criminal Justice Training Center of Fox Valley College
    Provides a multitude of trainings, webinars, and courses on a variety of topics such as substance abuse, child abuse/neglect/sex trafficking, leadership, school safety, courts/community corrections, and more.
  • National Sexual Violence Resource Center—Advocates & Educators
    Resources, trainings, and research regarding the prevention of sexual abuse and advocacy for victims.
  • Pennsylvania Coalition on Rape/National Sexual Violence Resource Center eLearning Hub
    A joint effort between PCAR and NSVRC to provide a variety of eLearning modules about sexual violence, including prevention and response.
  • Suicide Prevention Resource Center
    Help support the mental well-being of LGBTQIA2S+ youth with resources for families, caregivers, professionals, and communities.
    Mental Health Promotion & Suicide Prevention for LBGT
  • University of Pittsburgh Child Welfare Resource Center
    A catalog of virtual trainings related to child welfare and social work.
  • Zero Abuse Project
    Committed to transforming institutions in order to effectively prevent, recognize, and respond to child abuse.
  • Adams County Children & Youth Services
    117 Baltimore St, Room 201B
    Gettysburg PA 17325

Local Resources

  • Collaborating for Youth
    Developing the positive potential of youth within safe and supportive families and communities.
  • MidPenn Legal Services—Gettysburg Office
    Nonprofit, public interest law firm providing high-quality, free civil legal services to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
    123 Baltimore St, Suite 301
    Gettysburg, PA 17325
  • WellSpan Crisis Intervention
    24/7 assistance for mental health/behavioral crisis
    Gettysburg Hospital
    147 Gettys St
    Gettysburg PA 17325

National Resources

  • PA Support & Referral Helpline: 1-855-284-2494
    24/7 helpline providing free support and referrals to PA residents struggling with mental health.
  • PA Crisis Text Line—text HOME to 741741
    Provides free, 24/7 text-message-based mental health support and crisis intervention.
  • Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
    An international, self-help, support-group program
  • Child Welfare Information Gateway
    List of organizations with information on adult survivors of abuse
  • National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
    Non-profit organization addressing issues related to childhood abuse and trauma
  • Survivors Anonymous Group
    Private Meetup group with weekly meetings, based on principles of the Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Program
  • Help for Adult Victims of Child Abuse
    Providing support, friendship, and advice for adults whose life has been affected by child abuse

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