Our Community, Our Kids
Prevention is in Our Hands
What if I told you that every year, Adams County Children’s Advocacy Center (ACCAC) provides services to more than 200 Adams County children due to reports of abuse and neglect?
But we, as adults, can prevent child abuse. Experts believe that when 5% of a community’s adults learn about child sexual abuse prevention, that is the “tipping point” in reducing child abuse in their community.
Will you be one of the 5%? Will you commit to learning how to recognize, prevent and act responsibly; protecting children from sexual abuse in Adams County?
Watch the 5% Challenge video below to become one of the Adams County Community Members working to prevent child abuse!
ACCAC offers a variety of FREE child abuse prevention trainings throughout Adams County. ACCAC staff can also conduct trainings at your location, tailored to your audience.
FREE Trainings For Adults:
What If I Told You? This 45-minute seminar/Q & A is geared to adults who want to learn how child abuse affects children throughout their life, and what they can do to prevent, recognize, and react appropriately and report incidences of suspected child abuse. A shorter, pre-recorded version is available on our YouTube channel here.
How Can I Prevent Child Abuse? This 45-minute seminar explores ACCAC’s work helping child victims and their families to heal from the trauma of abuse; followed by a facilitated discussion exploring the ways in which we, as adults, can work collaboratively to prevent child abuse in our community. Suggested audiences: community groups, professional organizations, businesses serving children/families.
FREE Training for Community Groups and Organizations:
Within Our Walls- Preventing Child Abuse: This 1.5-hour training is geared toward community organizations wishing to develop a greater awareness of the issues surrounding child abuse (for example: faith-based, sports, parent groups, businesses serving children and families). This training is especially useful for organizations launching a review of their culture, practices, and policies surrounding children. The seminar consists of two parts:
Part 1 – A 30-minute seminar explores the issue of child abuse in Adams County, provides a brief overview of ACCAC’s work helping child victims and their families to heal from the trauma of abuse and identifies common factors and scenarios creating the potential for child abuse in organizational settings.
Part 2– A one-hour facilitated discussion exploring how the host organization interacts with children, how activities are monitored and overseen, a review of current practices to ensure children are sufficiently protected, and identifying ways that the host organization can work collaboratively to prevent child abuse in the community.
FREE Training for Children
The ACCAC currently offers the following curriculums to pre-school, schools, and daycares throughout Adams County. We firmly believe the younger children are when they learn about safety, the better. Children deserve to know they are the boss of their body and these curriculums reinforce that idea with age-appropriate safety rules.
MBF Child Safety Matters®– Pre-K is an introductory personal safety program for preschool children, ages 4 – 5. The curriculum was created and reviewed by child psychologists and early childhood educators and meets many Pre-K instructional & health education standards. The lessons are age- and developmentally appropriate and include fun, engaging activities for children. Each lesson is approximately 20-30 minutes and is easy to deliver using a turnkey script and visual cards (no technology required) or using scripts and visual card PowerPoints (if technology is available).
MBF Child Safety Matters® is a comprehensive, evidence-based curriculum for elementary school students in grades K-5. The program educates and empowers children and all relevant adults with information and strategies to prevent, recognize and respond appropriately to bullying, cyberbullying, all types of abuse, and digital abuse dangers.
MBF Teen Safety Matters® is a comprehensive, evidence-informed prevention education program for middle school students in grades 6-8 and high-school students in grades 9-12.
MBF Mental Health Matters™, provided by the Monique Burr Foundation for Children, are supplemental lessons for MBF Child Safety Matters® and MBF Teen Safety Matters® that address Mental and Emotional Health as well as substance use and abuse. These lessons follow the same familiar format and are practical & easy to implement using turnkey scripts and PowerPoints. They are developmentally-appropriate, trauma-informed, and include the same MBF 5 Safety Rules© to educate and empower students to maintain consistent messaging.
The program educates and empowers teens and all relevant adults with information and strategies to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to bullying, cyberbullying, all types of abuse, relationship abuse, sex trafficking, and digital dangers.