For more information on any of these services, please contact our office: 717-337-9888
For more information on any of these services, please contact our office: 717-337-9888
Brighter Tomorrows Podcast
Strengthen your journey with tips and information about mental health, building connections, and healing.
Episode 3: Tips for Calming the “Hulk” Inside All of Us
Join Elida and Rispoli for the 3rd episode of our Brighter Tomorrows Podcast, on how we can achieve calm during stressful times…
Episode 2: Giving My Child Self a Voice
Join Elida and our guest, Giselle, talking about fighting isolating circumstances, forgiving ourselves for things beyond our control, building comforting connections especially…
Episode 1: Comfort & Connection
Join Elida and Rispoli for the first episode of our Brighter Tomorrows Podcast, with a discussion on the importance of building connections…